Easy Ochro Rice

If you like rice, and you like ochro, you'll love this! A great side with or without gravy! The quantities here make enough for two to four. I like it just by itself, hot off the stove!

Brown rice, one cup
Ochros, 6-10
Olive oil, tablespoon
Salt, dash or to taste

Bring one cup brown rice to boil in two cups water. When it is bubbling, reduce heat and allow to cook at medium. Slice ochros and add to the rice just before all the water is completely absorbed. Reduce heat, cover and cook for about 10-15 minutes more at low heat. Add a couple tablespoons water if needed. Stir in salt and olive oil.  Fluff up rice and cover.

Plump grains of brown rice with ochroes!


  1. This is such a simple and tasty way to prepare brown rice,.....especially as I love ochroes, unfortunately we don't get them here,...maybe in Milan. I'll have to make do with some pumkin...

  2. I'm going to look for pchroes here and try it!
    Also, I remember you panfrying pumpkins and ochroes in olives oil and garlic.. I'm going to try that too!

  3. Thanks for this recipe.. I wondered when you were supposed to put in the ochroes.

  4. I used your ochroe recipe in quinoa instead of brown rice. I made ochroe and quinoa twice last week but forgot to take a picture. :(

  5. Must have been really yummy for you to make it twice!


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