Breadfruit: a meal for days

If you have a breadfruit tree, you won't starve. We had a maga (skinny) tree on the farm where we lived. It never let us down, was always squeezing out another breadfruit on another branch; they were small but we could have breadfruit in oildown (cooked in coconut milk with pigeon peas and pumpkin) anytime. Breadfruit chips, fried gently in coconut oil, are good for dinner, or a snack.

The tree on the right is breadfruit. On the left is chataigne. Notice the difference in the leaves. The fruits are also different.

Whole breadfruit: keep cool by running cold water over  the fruit until you are ready to use it.

Whole breadfruit, cut in quarters and boiled in water to cover
Coconut oil, cup
Salt to taste

Do not allow the breadfruit to get ripe. Cut in four and boil in water to cover until a knife goes in. Don't worry about under-cooking. Once the breadfruit is parboiled, you can store in the fridge or freezer.

Cool breadfruit. Cut the core out of the centre of the quarter.  Peel the outer skin. Slice thinly and fry gently in coconut oil. Turn once. Drain on absorbent paper. Sprinkle salt and serve as a snack or with dinner.

Quartered breadfruit fits in a pot to be boiled. Whole breadfruit may also be cooked in or over an open fire. The texture is flaky and tender, the flavour smoky.

Cooled and cored, the breadfruit may be sliced.

Fry gently in coconut oil. Be careful not to burn.

Breadfruit slices
