Rose mango chow

Everybody knows how to make mango chow. When mangoes are in season - June to August are the peak months - you can eat a different variety each week. Julie, dou-douce, vert, starch, zabico (les abricots). There are the hybrid varieties like Graham, stone, calabash.

Everybody also knows that the best mango to chow is Rose. And the best time is when the Rose is half ripe, just picked off the tree! Of course, when you don't have Rose, any other green mango will do! Even the giant Graham, which tends to be not so crisp as Rose, but with the right seasonings, you can get away with a decent chow.
Simplest mango chow: laced with shadon beni and hot pepper.

Mango, green or half ripe, Rose preferred
Garlic, two cloves crushed
Lime juice, squeeze of half lime
Salt, half teaspoon or to taste
Shadon beni, four or five leaves chopped fine
Sugar (optional) half teaspoon or a touch, to taste
Hot pepper, slices without seed, or to taste

Peel and cut up mango. Toss with all other ingredients. You can start to eat immediately, but it's better if it seasons for about an hour.

Cut up your green and half-ripe mangoes

If you can't find Rose, half ripe Graham mangoes make a decent chow.


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