Creole style stewed chicken

This is the first main meal meat dish that I learned to cook. Of course, it was seasoned by my mother who used soy sauce in seasoning her meats. This version depends for flavour on ginger and tomatoes, onions and pimentos. Oh, she also used rum in her cooking.

Chicken, either 6-8 drumsticks or a whole chicken cut up
Garlic, 3 cloves, chopped
Onion, chopped
Pimentos, 3, cut up
Tomatoes, 3 small, chopped
Ginger, thumb sized piece, chopped
Salt, half teaspoon
Cooking oil, one third cup
Brown sugar, three tablespoons
Rum, half cup
Hot pepper, whole

Season chicken with salt and ginger. Heat oil and sugar in a large skillet. When the sugar is bubbling, add chicken and stir, cooking at medium-high heat for 15 minutes. Add garlic, tomatoes. Continue to cook, stirring, until chicken is golden brown. Reduce heat to low-medium, add pimentos, onions and rum. Cook covered until the chicken is done, another 20-30 minutes.  Add a little water if needed (a tablespoon at a time). If covered and kept at low  heat until the chicken is cooked, you may not have to add water. (You may add mushrooms in the last 15 minutes of cooking.)
