The world is wet and green. Cloud covers the valley like a blanket. No blue anywhere. My thoughts today are for my good friend Cynthia who has been working on her cookbook for a few years now.
Today, I am sharing my blog of comfort food. This is intended for a small audience - my children and a very special niece, so they will always find something that they can prepare for themselves, the essences that take their hearts home, wherever they may be. For me it's that simple. If others find it useful, I am doubly pleased.
Perhaps the challenges of a cookbook are not much different. The audience is a few thousands more people, many of whom you may not know intimately. But then, the cooking for your dining room is a lot more special and memorable. It's also true that a book is a more permanent collection. The objective however has many similarities - to keep alive memories of feel-good experiences; and to do it through the combination of food (recipes) and photos that evoke place and occasion. I encourage you not to delay. Cynthia's Kariwak cooking is the best kind of comfort food for me, and many others.
Photos below:
Thyme in bloom beside the meditation ajoupa
Field of basil, with white Ixora at right
Tables ready for breakfast in the dining ajoupa

Today, I am sharing my blog of comfort food. This is intended for a small audience - my children and a very special niece, so they will always find something that they can prepare for themselves, the essences that take their hearts home, wherever they may be. For me it's that simple. If others find it useful, I am doubly pleased.
Perhaps the challenges of a cookbook are not much different. The audience is a few thousands more people, many of whom you may not know intimately. But then, the cooking for your dining room is a lot more special and memorable. It's also true that a book is a more permanent collection. The objective however has many similarities - to keep alive memories of feel-good experiences; and to do it through the combination of food (recipes) and photos that evoke place and occasion. I encourage you not to delay. Cynthia's Kariwak cooking is the best kind of comfort food for me, and many others.
Photos below:
Thyme in bloom beside the meditation ajoupa
Field of basil, with white Ixora at right
Tables ready for breakfast in the dining ajoupa

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