Pineapple sorbet

Sometimes, in the heart of a fruit season, it seems that you can't eat or give them away fast enough. This is an excellent way to save fruit when you have a glut. Make a simple sorbet, freeze. And enjoy long after the season has passed. We have tried it with mango, but pineapple is a favourite. When we make it with mango, there may be no need to add the sugar syrup; or use less. Simply blend the ripe mango with some rum and freeze.

Pineapples in abundance at the San Antonio Green Market

This recipe for pineapple sorbet is inspired and adapted from that in the Cooking Kariwak Style cookbook. 

Of course, the sorbet is best made with an ice cream churn-freezer. However, I have developed this twice-blended method to make the sorbet as light as possible in a conventional freezing compartment.

Peel and remove the "eyes"

Quarter lengthwise and remove the core

Large pineapple, peeled, with "seeds" and centre removed
Simple syrup (see below: one third cup water; one third cup sugar)
Rum, one third cup

Make the syrup by microwaving one third cup sugar in one third cup water for a minute. Stir and cool.

Blend pineapple until it is a completely pureed. Add syrup and rum while blending.

Pour into freezer container, cover and freeze until half frozen (about three or four hours). Remove from freezer and blend again for about two minutes to incorporate air. Return to freezer and store.

Just before serving, allow the sorbet to stand at room temperature for a few minutes.

Frosty pineapple sorbet - great to cool off in hot weather!
Chadon beni leaf to accent
your pineapple sorbet
